Wednesday 15 January 2014

Annie Production


Set Construction
We had no control over how the set was going to be made. We went to a rehearsal to see the set and how it was made, it was a very basic stage production which made it much easier to film.

We had the opportunity to go to a rehearsal, at the rehearsal we decided on how the cameras would be set out depending on how actors approached the stage and where they stood on the stage. At the rehearsal we done a recee of the location to see where the best place for cameras would be.

Review of Production/Role
In filming Annie I was filming from the high centre cam, my job was to shoot long and mid shots I felt I done this poorly as a lot of the time I was aiming for close ups which would ruin the shot when I tried to zoom out. I've now learnt to go for the shots I've been told to get instead of going for close ups, as they're other cameras which will get the close ups.

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